Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
The pressurised environment of the hyperbaric chamber promotes healing and general wellness by allowing wounds to heal faster, and reduces swelling at a much quicker rate by restoring/increasing blood flow to restricted areas. Hyperbaric therapy helps athletes on three levels by forcing more oxygen to reach tissue, organs, cells and bodily fluids, providing up to 300% oxygen saturation. Furthermore, it has been shown that the pressurized environment of the chamber allows the athlete to recover more quickly from injury, swelling, fatigue, dehydration and jet-lag.
mHBOT and lactate concentration (1).PDF
life is better with oxy (1).pdf
Sports Illustrated Hines Ward.pdf
HBOT for mTBI with PCS (1).pdf
Results Experienced at Our Clinic:
- Increased Training Output
- Increase in Energy
- Shortened Recovery Time
- Improved Concentration
- Improved Detoxification
- Decreased Lactic Acid
- Increased ATP
- Maximized Organ Function
- Reduced Dehydration
- Up to 300% Oxygen Saturation
ENHANCE Athletic Performance & Recovery with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Olympic Athletes in Eugene.PDF